Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Russian Kettlebells

Palance Points: 5/5

The first time I heard about these primitive but effective weights I was a bit skeptical. And frankly, I thought they were related to cowbells! But after a quick look at the web site, I knew I had to have one of my own:

This quickly turned into a major (then minor) obsession based on the books and videos of Pavel Tsatsouline, the fitness-mad Russian who popularized Kettlebells in North America and beyond. Many new callouses and muscles later, I am a devoted fan. I recommend you order the 35-pounder for starters and be prepared for a few days of soreness!


Russian Kettlebells

Palance Points: 5/5

The first time I heard about these primitive but effective weights I was a bit skeptical. And frankly, I thought they were related to cowbells! But after a quick look at the web site, I knew I had to have one of my own:

This quickly turned into a major (then minor) obsession based on the books and videos of Pavel Tsatsouline, the fitness-mad Russian who popularized Kettlebells in North America and beyond. Many new callouses and muscles later, I am a devoted fan. I recommend you order the 35-pounder for starters and be prepared for a few days of soreness!


Sunday, March 11, 2007

Spray-on Hair

Palance Points: .5/5

If your idea of good grooming comes from a can, then spray-on hair might be the answer for you. And if wearing a baseball cap is just a little too inconvenient to hide that bald spot, try getting this aerosol past airport security:

On the upside, I'm sure it's much cheaper than Hair Club For Men or implants. Having lost a good bit of my hair a while back, I'm content with the Gillette Atra II. It's a much better look than a comb- or spray-over - though it won't get me lead role on The Apprentice!
